"We are all broken, thats how the light gets in" - Hemingway
Let me run my fingers over the cracks in your soul.
Understanding is the key to compassion and acceptance.
Education is important and I come from a business background and education, but thats not all a person needs to be a source of motivation, acceptance, and understanding. What qualifies me far more than educational merit are the life experiences I have endured to get to this point in my life. I have been rich I have been poor I have been homeless and I have lived in a mansion.
I will always give you the best version of myself possible.
The best mother that I can be.
The best partner that I can be.
The best performer I can be.
The best artist I can be.
The best friend I can be.
The best provider I can be.
The best encourager and motivator I can be.
The best coach I can be.
Good Vibes ONLY and ALWAYS
<3 Coco
Status | Expert |
Category | Reduce Stress |
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