Hello There, Welcome To Stellasworld, To Give You Lots Of Advice, On Love, Life, Relationships, Or Just A General Chat

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Hello There, Welcome To Stellasworld, To Give You Lots Of Advice, On Love, Life, Relationships, Or Just A General Chat

Ext. 10370


I am a very intelligent woman and I have a very good sense of humor, I am always good at motivating people when they feel down. I have a lot of experience in various different things from abusive relationships to dealing with grief in my life. To raising my children and working hard to build a business. I am a very chatty person and I always like to put a person at ease. I am a friendly and positive person and either a text away or a call to advise you with relationships, life in general, or just the need of a listening ear if you feel alone. So welcome to my world if you would like to join me for a chat. I believe the tarot is the journey of life, and I have been reading the card since I was young.

Status Knowledgeable
Category Break Ups


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