Into Astrology?

$2.22/per min $0.55/per text

Into Astrology?

Ext. 23841


I am a seasoned and certified Western Astrologer. Have questions about life, relationships, career, compatibility, possible future energy? Understanding your own horoscope /birth chart can be super helpful! Being self-aware is huge.
Learning astrology (still learning) was extremely eye-opening for me! Understanding why I do the things I do helped me to make sense of what used to seem like nonsense. It also helps me to better understand the tendencies of friends and family members and has given me a little more compassion/ understanding when it comes to our differences.

I am happy to interpret your chart, or yours along with your partners, to answer synastry/ compatibility questions.
Please text prior to calling, with your full birth date, location (City/ State), and time of birth, so that I can pull your chart before we’re on the phone.

Status Certificado
Category Astrología Lectura


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